
drone flying over house

Police Drones? Get a Warrant.

Aug 27, 2014
Get a warrant -- that’s what I would say if the police showed up at my door asking to look around. Why? Because it’s my right. It’s one of the core principles that this country was founded on: the government, including local police, can’t come into my home unless they prove to a judge that they have a real reason to invade my privacy.If police want to search your house, they need to get a warrant.... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Summer 2014 ACLU News

Aug 20, 2014
Download the Summer 2014 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More
drone in sky

Speaking of Militarized Police… No Secret Drones in San Jose

Aug 14, 2014
A coalition of advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, sent a letter this week to the San Jose City Council demanding that it have the necessary public debate of whether a drone should ever be used in San Jose well before it starts to consider how it could be used. Read More
Judge hitting gavel

California Fair Sentencing Act Passes Out of Assembly

Aug 14, 2014
Facing its final vote in the Assembly, the California Fair Sentencing Act (SB 1010) authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) won strong approval on a bi-partisan vote today. SB 1010 now returns to the Senate for a final procedural vote before being sent to the Governor. Read More
Police Officer writing a citation

CHP Vehicle Impoundments Disproportionately Impacted Latinos

Aug 13, 2014
Today the ACLU of California and the American Friends Service Committee released a report confirming the Latino community’s experience of being targeted for suspected unlicensed driving by California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers in Fresno County, with two officers being largely responsible for the racially disparate impact. Read More

Why Paid Sick Leave Is a Reproductive Justice Issue

Aug 12, 2014
Even though we live in a state where Medi-Cal dollars can be used for pregnancy care, including abortion, many people cannot take time off work to seek abortion care. That’s because 39% of the US workforce, including seven million Californians, earn no paid sick leave whatsoever. AB 1522 by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez addresses this problem in California. Read More