
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Supports Drivers Licenses for Immigrants, Urges Vigilance

Oct 03, 2013
Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law AB 60: The Safe and Responsible Driver Act. Starting in January 2015, California residents who learn the rules of the road and pass a driving test will be eligible to obtain a driver's license regardless of immigration status. The Safe and Responsible Driver Act is an important step forward for over one million undocumented drivers who live in California... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Addiction that Costs California $150,000

Sep 30, 2013
Comedian and actor David Moss fell into hard times with a drug addiction that immediately became a struggle he couldn’t overcome. Addiction had landed him in a cycle of arrests – not just one or two times, but a whopping 14 times for the same charge: being under the influence of a narcotic. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The First Assault on Abortion Rights

Sep 30, 2013
Today marks the 37th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, which in 1976 stripped poor women of Medicaid coverage for abortion, turning a legal right into something that is out of reach for many. Read More
Williams v. California: Lessons From Nine Years of Implementation

Williams v. California: Lessons From Nine Years of Implementation

Sep 29, 2013
Students in all of California’s public schools deserve at least these basic necessities for educational opportunity. The plaintiffs in the historic Williams v. California lawsuit fought for this principle, and on September 29, 2004, when legislation implementing the settlement agreement was signed into law, they helped to usher in a new era for public education in California. Read More
truth about lwop

The Truth About Life Without Parole: Condemned to Die in Prison

Sep 25, 2013
The facts prove that life in prison without the possibility of parole (LWOP) is swift, severe, and certain punishment. The reality is that people sentenced to LWOP have been condemned to die in prison and that’s what happens: They die in prison of natural causes, just like the majority of people sentenced to death. The differences: Sentencing people to death by execution is three times more expens... Read More
San Francisco press conference re: Suspicious Activity Reports photo by Gigi Pandian

The Government is Spying on You: ACLU Releases New Evidence of Overly Broad Surveillance of Everyday Activities

Sep 19, 2013
For years, we at the ACLU have been warning that the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative – a vast information sharing program that encourages the collection and sharing of “suspicious activity” among private parties and local, state and federal law enforcement – would lead to violations of our privacy, racial and religious profiling, and interference with constitutionally... Read More

Education vs. Incarceration: It's Time to Think Outside the Box

Sep 17, 2013
Are there policy choices California's legislators could make that would result in less incarceration spending and more education spending?There absolutely are. And we're inviting you to make them.Think Outside the Box is a new web challenge created by the ACLU of California that allows people to get a real-time sense of how the bottom line in California, home of one of the nation's most overc... Read More
Fred Korematsu

Historic Victory: Standing up for Japanese Americans During World War II

Sep 16, 2013
In 1942, San Leandro draftsman Fred Korematsu was jailed for refusing to obey President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066 ordering all citizens of Japanese descent to report to relocation centers. Korematsu and his fiancée had intended to leave California to marry.The ACLU of Northern California took on Korematsu’s legal challenge and was nearly alone in challenging to the wartime r... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Prop 35 Violates the First Amendment

Sep 11, 2013
Yesterday morning the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard oral argument in the ACLU of Northern California’s lawsuit with the Electronic Frontier Foundation against Proposition 35. I told the court that Proposition 35 is too broad and violates the First Amendment. As the federal district court has already held, it affects too much protected speech, on too many websites, by too many p... Read More