
ACLU of Northern CA

Creepy Government Surveillance Shouldn't Be Kept Secret

Oct 15, 2013
Shocking revelations about creepy government surveillance came in waves over the summer, from the Snowden leaks to the Hemisphere Project, through which the government has paid AT&T for access to a mind-bogglingly vast database of our telephone calls. In many cases of new surveillance technologies like Hemisphere, there are serious constitutional concerns that courts have not yet reviewed. Tha... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Governor Vetoes Historic Drug Sentencing Reform Bill

Oct 12, 2013
Today is a frustrating day in California. Despite huge overwhelming support from California voters from across the state and political spectrum, Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed an historic sentencing reform bill that was sent to his desk with bipartisan support in the state Legislature. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Gov. Brown Vetoes Modest Drug Sentencing Reform Bill

Oct 12, 2013
Gov. Jerry Brown today vetoed a bill that would have modestly reformed California’s drug sentencing laws for simple possession, significantly reduced incarceration costs for counties and helped the state end its ongoing incarceration crisis. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Gov. Brown Vetoes Important Bill Intended to Improve Educational Opportunities for All Students

Oct 12, 2013
Today Governor Brown missed an important opportunity to improve educational opportunities for our most vulnerable students by vetoing SB 744. The bill, authored by Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach) would have protected students by establishing fair transfer processes, ensuring that students’ educational needs are met and providing clear pathways for students to return to traditional schools. Read More
Sacbee cartoon

Death Penalty

Oct 10, 2013
California’s the death penalty is a failed and costly policy that offers murder victim family members a false sense of justice and wastes valuable criminal justice dollars that should be used for solving and preventing crime. The death penalty is applied unfairly and, worst of all, it is an imperfect system that runs the risk of executing an innocent person. This, above all, is the most egregious ... Read More

It's a Good Day to Be a Woman in California

Oct 10, 2013
Yesterday, Governor Brown signed AB 154 to expand access to abortion in California. The legislation addresses a current shortage in the state—52% of California counties don’t have an accessible abortion provider—and allows women to receive care in their own communities from providers they already know and trust. At a time when reproductive health, rights, and justice are under attack in so much of... Read More
We stand with women & families by expanding access.

Governor Signs Pro-active Reproductive Health Bill that Improves Abortion Access

Oct 09, 2013
Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation on Oct. 9, 2013 that would increase access to safe, early abortion for California women. The bill, AB 154 was authored by Assembly member Toni Atkins (D-San Diego). AB 154 improves access by authorizing trained and qualified nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physicians assistants to perform early abortions. Read More
TRUST Act Signed! Photo by NDLON

ACLU Applauds Gov. Brown for Signing the TRUST Act

Oct 05, 2013
The ACLU of California applauds Governor Brown for signing AB 4, the TRUST Act, a bill authored by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano. The TRUST Act creates a clear standard for when local law enforcement will respond to federal immigration detainer requests that result from the Secure Communities program (S-Comm). S-Comm requires local law enforcement to share the fingerprints of anyone they arrest with ... Read More