
La ley de Seth - nuevas herramientas para prevenir hostigamiento en las escuelas de California

AB 9: La ley de Seth - nuevas herramientas para prevenir hostigamiento en las escuelas de California

Jun 22, 2011
La "Ley de Seth" es una nueva ley que fortalece leyes estatales existentes contra el hostigamiento para ayudar a proteger a todos los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de California. La Ley de Seth requiere que las escuelas públicas de California actualicen sus politicas y programas contra el hostigamiento, y se enfoquen en proteger a los estudiantes que son hostigados por su orientación sexual... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Court Rules Redding Library May Not Restrict Freedom of Speech; ACLU, Tea Party Share Victory

Jun 20, 2011
A Superior Court judge granted a preliminary injunction to prevent the City of Redding from enforcing a policy at its library that would have restricted the ability of residents to share their ideas and opinions in front of the library through peaceful leafleting. The ACLU of Northern California and the North State Tea Party teamed up to enjoin specific sections of the policy because it violates t... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

You're Going to Need a Warrant For That, Officer

Jun 15, 2011
Yasir Afifi, a 20-year-old U.S.-born citizen, found a strange device attached to his car. When he posted a photo of it online, the FBI showed up at his home and wanted their GPS tracking device back. The FBI had been tracking Afifi's movements without a warrant. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Bring Back Balance - Sentencing Reforms Save Money & Improve Realignment

Jun 13, 2011
A Fact Sheet from the ACLU of California, Drug Policy Alliance and The Ella Baker CenterIt's time to reform California's sentencing laws. Californians are fed up with misguided policies that have packed our prisons & jails, drained our state bud­get and led to one of the highest rates of recidivism in the country.The recent Plata v. Brown decision from the U.S. Supreme Court requires the D... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Seth's Law Passes State Assembly

Jun 02, 2011
The California State Assembly passed a law designed to address the pervasive problem of school bullying by providing California schools with tools to create a safe school environment for all students. The bill is named in memory of Seth Walsh, a 13 year-old gay student from Tehachapi, California, who took his life in September 2010, after facing years of relentless anti-gay harassment at school. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Files Brief Arguing Warrantless GPS Tracking Is Unconstitutional

May 31, 2011
Catherine CrumpACLU National OfficeOn Friday, the ACLU of Delaware filed a brief with the Delaware Supreme Court arguing that law enforcement agents should not be permitted to attach a GPS device to a car without getting a search warrant. The brief explains that because GPS tracking is an invasive form of surveillance capable of revealing many private facts about a person, a lower court was correc... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Judge Declares SF Housing Authority Injunctions Unconstitutional

May 25, 2011
A judicial decision handed down today effectively ends the San Francisco Housing Authority's use of city-wide nuisance injunctions and dismisses all pending criminal cases against alleged violators. The injunctions are unconstitutional, vague, and overly restrictive to the point of infringing on an individual's ability "to exist in San Francisco," wrote the judge in his eight-page decision. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Arizona, Nebraska, Other States Broke Federal Law Importing Execution Drugs, Records Show

May 24, 2011
The Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) released records today which show that Arizona, Nebraska, and other states broke the Federal Controlled Substances Act when they imported sodium thiopental, a dangerous controlled substance commonly used in executions that is no longer available in the U.S. The DEA released all import declarations filed for sodium thiopental from January 1, 2010, t... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU and Local Student Ask Oroville Unified School District to Stop Censoring LGBT Websites

May 18, 2011
The ACLU contacted a school district in northern California today because its Internet filtering software had been improperly configured to block access to web content geared toward the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. The organization has sent demand letters to school districts across the country as part of the organization's national "Don't Filter Me" initiative, which seeks t... Read More