
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Partners with Tea Party in Obtaining Halt to Library Policy Restricting Freedom of Speech

May 04, 2011
In April, following months of lively debate, city officials in the town of Redding, California, adopted a policy that restricts leafletting in the plaza in front of the Redding Municipal Library. On May 4, the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, which challenged the policy on the ground that it violates the First Amendment and the California Constitution, obtained a temporary re... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU and San Francisco Bay Guardian Ask Court to Force DEA Disclosure of Public Records on Worldwide Scramble for Execution Drugs

Apr 28, 2011
The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC) and The San Francisco Bay Guardian (The Guardian) filed a preliminary injunction motion today, asking the court to order the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to disclose records regarding the worldwide scramble for execution drugs by state prison officials. The ACLU of Northern California and The Guardian filed a federal laws... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Sony Learns the Hard Way that Protecting User Privacy is Not a Game

Apr 28, 2011
[Update: Sony has stated that they did not "understand the scope of the breach" until April 25. It remains unclear at what point they became aware that at least some user data had been compromised.]Less than a week after the revelation that Apple's iPhones and iPads keep location data logs, Sony announced a doozy of a privacy snafu of its own: a recent security breach on its PlayStation Network re... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Your iPhone "Location Diary" and Apple's Inadequate Response

Apr 27, 2011
Jay StanleyACLU National OfficeApple has finally responded to the revelation that iPhone and iPads keep records of their users' whereabouts. We're glad that Apple has promised to change this practice. At the same time, nobody should think of this dust-up as some overblown quirk or mere bug, as Apple has portrayed it. This incident should be a wakeup call to Americans that we need to demand greater... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Protecting Your Privacy, One App at a Time

Apr 25, 2011
Apple (and, to a lesser extent, Google) has dominated the recent headlines after news broke that iPhones and iPads keep a massive log of your location history in a hidden but unencrypted file on the device. It's a good reminder that technology can certainly pose a threat to privacy by making it hard for you to control and protect your own personal information.But that's not always the case. There ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Your iPhone Knows Where You Were Last Night. Who Else Knows?

Apr 20, 2011
We recently announced that it's time for a privacy check-in for location-based services and mobile devices. Apparently Apple didn't get the memo, as its latest iPhone and iPad regularly record your location in a hidden file. Join us and tell Apple that you demand control over your sensitive location information!As we discussed at our panel yesterday at Where 2.0, user trust is critical for a compa... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Spring 2011 ACLU News

Apr 15, 2011
Download the Spring 2011 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Seth's Law Passes Key Legislative Committee

Apr 13, 2011
Today the California Assembly Education Committee passed Seth's Law in a 7-3 vote. AB 9, also known as Seth's Law, is a comprehensive bill that addresses school bullying by providing California schools with specific tools to prevent and address the pervasive problem in order to create a safe school environment for all students. The bill is named "Seth's Law"' in memory of Seth Walsh, a 13 year-old... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU-NC Letter Highlights Privacy Concerns in Proposed Rules for SF Events

Apr 13, 2011
Yesterday we sent a letter to the San Francisco Entertainment Commission highlighting our concerns with proposed new rules for bars, clubs, and other venues that host various forms of live entertainment. The new rules would require the venue to use ID scanners and video cameras to monitor every performer and attendee. In doing so, they would constitute a massive invasion of the privacy rights that... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Good News for Reader Privacy: Reader Privacy Act Passes Senate Judiciary Committee

Apr 13, 2011
Yesterday, California lawmakers took an important first step towards updating reader privacy for the digital age. The California Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Reader Privacy Act of 2011 (SB 602) with a strong bipartisan vote of 4-0.Authored by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/San Mateo), and co-sponsored by the ACLU California affiliates and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Reade... Read More