
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Wins Relief for Young Woman Seeking Abortion

Oct 18, 2017
The Office of Refugee Resettlement was preventing a 17-year-old, who is being held at a shelter for unaccompanied immigrant minors in Texas, from getting an abortion. The ACLU challenged the obstruction and the judge has ordered that the young woman be permitted to get the abortion she decided on and requested weeks ago. “At last, our client will be able to get the care she needs without fede... Read More
Students. We'll Stand For Your Right to Take a Knee

Students Have the Right to Take a Knee

Oct 16, 2017

Today, students across the country are responding to the pre-game protests by professional athletes, when players during the National Anthem have chosen to kneel, sit, or raise a fist against police violence and state oppression of African-Americans and other people of color. Inspired, students have bravely followed suit.

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Luis Nolasco Picture

Governor Brown Just Signed the California Values Act and here is Why It’s a Big Deal

Oct 05, 2017

Local law enforcement, in particular the Sheriffs in San Bernardino and Riverside counties, are fully entangled with immigration enforcement authorities and detain people on ICE’s behalf in our local county jails. In San Bernardino county, ICE agents are also allowed full and unfettered access to county jails. Nationally, 65-75% of deportations occur because of these entanglements.

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