
The family of Julia Harumi Mass at Heart Mountain internment camp in 1944

Lessons from Internment: Racial and Religious Profiling Are Never Warranted

Nov 21, 2016
My mother was seven years old when she and her family were evacuated from the West Coast and forced to live in an Army barrack behind barbed wire in an internment camp in Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Born in Los Angeles, she had been taught in school to be a proud and loyal American citizen, so the wholesale exclusion and relocation of her community was both terrifying and confusing. On the journey to... Read More
Trump - see you in court

ACLU to Trump: See You in Court

Nov 16, 2016
Updated: February 2017 All eyes are on America. Donald Trump became the president of the United States of America. And the ACLU will stay vigilant – every single day Trump is in office. If Trump tries to turn his unlawful and unconstitutional campaign promises into policy, we’ll see him in court. He’ll have to face the full force of the ACLU – all of our lawyers and advocates in every state ... Read More

Being a Breastfeeding Parent Shouldn’t Mean Choosing Between a Career and Your Health

Nov 14, 2016
Over the summer, new mom Jessica Campbell registered for her daylong veterinary licensing exam at a Prometric testing facility. She found out that during the seven-and-a-half-hour test, she would only be given 45 minutes of break time. Normally, this time can be distributed throughout the day for lunch, restroom breaks, and studying. But as a breastfeeding mom, Jessica would have to set aside a la... Read More
we won't stop now

The ACLU Is Receiving an Outpouring of Support. Here’s Our Plan.

Nov 14, 2016
Since Election Day, the ACLU has seen a renewed sense of urgency from hundreds of thousands of Americans to protect civil liberties.In just five days, our Facebook followers have increased by 25 percent to nearly one million people; 400,000 people viewed our open letter to President-elect Trump on our website; and 150,000 new people have joined our e-mail list. We have also heard from thousands of... Read More