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We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

ACLU of Northern CA

Victory: No More Shackles on Pregnant Prisoners

Oct 03, 2012
We did it. After years of work from the ACLU of California and our allies, dangerous shackles and restraints can no longer be used on pregnant women in our state's prisons and jails. Last week Governor Brown signed AB 2530, authored by Assemblymember Atkins, after it passed the legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support.In 2005 California became one of the first states to prohibit the shackl... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Governor Brown Vetoes Location Privacy Act

Sep 30, 2012
The Location Privacy Act of 2012 was intended to ensure the privacy of Californians by requiring law enforcement and other government entities to get a search warrant before obtaining information about the location of an electronic device. As a result, it garnered broad bipartisan support in its passage through the California legislature. Unfortunately, Governor Brown ignored this support and chos... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

"Stingray" Cell Surveillance Devices: One More Reason for California's Location Privacy Act

Sep 24, 2012
Last week, LA Weekly ran a story indicating that the Los Angeles Police Department is using a device called a "Stingray" to track cell phones. Law enforcement seems to think that because these devices can track cell phones without going to the trouble of even interacting with mobile carriers, they don't need a search warrant. Please tell Governor Brown to sign the Location Privacy Act of 2012 into... Read More
default statue of liberty torch

What I Said in Court Today About DNA Privacy

Sep 19, 2012
This morning the ACLU of Northern California's important DNA privacy case, Haskell v. Harris, was reheard by an 11-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit. I argued that the current California law – which says that DNA has to be collected from anyone arrested on suspicion of a felony, whether or not they are ever charged or convicted – is unconstitutional and wrong. Collecting DNA at the point of arre... Read More
Occupy protesters during the General Strike in Oakland

FBI Won't Release Occupy Surveillance Documents to ACLU, Citing National Security

Sep 13, 2012
Just shy of the one-year anniversary of the inaugural Occupy Wall Street protests, the ACLU of Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Guardian obtained initial documents from the FBI about surveillance of Occupy demonstrations in the region.The documents came after an ACLU-NC lawsuit filed after the FBI refused to release any documents in a Freedom of Information Act req... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

This Is the Year California Will Stop Shackling Pregnant Women

Sep 12, 2012
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is a popular definition of insanity. Those of us across the country trying repeatedly to pass bills that would prohibit the shackling of pregnant women in jails and prisons are hardly insane. Dedicated? Yes. Stubborn? Possibly. Unwilling to accept women suffering? Absolutely.This year marks the third attempt to get a signature on ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Supreme Court Won't Decide if Federal Law Pre-Empts Local Medical Pot Regulations

Aug 24, 2012
The state Supreme Court has dismissed review of a case centering on whether federal law pre-empts local medical marijuana regulations, pulling the plug on a proceeding that advocates and opponents once hoped would offer guidance in a wildly uncertain area of law.Noting that parties had dropped their disagreement over federal pre-emption and pointing to the fact Long Beach has abandoned the city or... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Free Speech for this Small Town Sheriff

Aug 24, 2012
A federal court in Sacramento issued a preliminary injunction this week protecting the free speech rights of a deputy sheriff in Trinity County to speak out about drug legalization and other political issues, in a suit brought by the ACLU of Northern California and the law firm of Keker and Van Nest LLP.The plaintiff in the case is Mark Potts, a deputy sheriff in the Trinity County Sheriff's Depar... Read More

Clovis School District: Sex Education that Gets an "F"

Aug 23, 2012
California state law mandates that sexual health education in public schools be comprehensive, medically accurate, science-based, and bias-free. So why are Clovis Unified High Schools teaching teens from a book that makes no mention of condoms, even in chapters about HIV/AIDS and on preventing STDs and unintended pregnancy?Recent events, such as Representative Akin’s ill-informed statements a... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

California Location Privacy Act is Heading toward the Governor's Desk

Aug 22, 2012
Today the Location Privacy Act of 2012 passed through the California Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan support. This is a critical step in protecting the privacy of all Californians in our modern world where a cell phone is closer to a necessity than a luxury.We shouldn't have to choose between using our smartphone and protecting our privacy. Unfortunately, outdated laws like the Electronic Co... Read More