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We can be pretty sure that each new day will bring two things: new threats to our civil liberties, and new stories of people standing up for their rights and winning. Behind every court ruling is a person. Behind every landmark law is a movement. Read the stories and hear the voices that ground our work.

ACLU of Northern CA

An Open Letter to Wireless Carriers from the ACLU

Apr 09, 2012
November 9, 2011 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is writing to ask that you make a greater commitment to protecting very personal information about your customers. In particular, we are writing to ask that you stop routinely retaining data about your customers' location history that you happen to collect as a byproduct of how mobile technology works. Documents t... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Webmail: You're Writing - Who's Watching?

Apr 09, 2012
An Online Privacy Fact Sheet from the ACLU The more email you send, the more digital footprints you leave behind. The information in your email messages is valuable. Online email services make it easy to keep in touch with friends and family. But all those emails say a lot about your interests, habits, beliefs, and concerns. And outdated privacy laws, written before the I... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Social Networking: Do You Know Who Your Friends Are?

Apr 09, 2012
An Online Privacy Fact Sheet from the ACLU The more you connect online, the more digital footprints you leave behind. The information you share on social networking sites is valuable. Social networking sites are an amazing way to connect with friends and family. But the information that these sites collect about you – not just what's on your profile but also the rec... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Search Engines: Who's Searching for You?

Apr 09, 2012
An Online Privacy Fact Sheet from the ACLU The more you search online, the more digital footprints you leave behind. The information in your search records is valuable. Searching online is an amazing way to find information about anything and everything. But when you browse those online stacks of information, you leave a trail that reveals a lot about you: your interests,... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Online Photo Sites: Are You Overexposed?

Apr 09, 2012
An Online Privacy Fact Sheet from the ACLU The more photos you move online, the more digital footprints you leave behind. The information in your online photos is valuable. Moving your photos from photo albums and computer hard drives to online photo services can be convenient. But the photos you upload to these sites—and what you do with them—can say a lot ab... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Book and Video Sites: Who's Peeking Over Your Shoulder?

Apr 09, 2012
An Online Privacy Fact Sheet from the ACLUTHE MORE YOU READ & WATCH ONLINE, THE MORE DIGITAL FOOTPRINTSInformation about what you watch and read online is valuableOnline book and video sites are an amazing way to learn about anything and everything. But the videos you watch and the books you read can say a lot about your interests, hobbies, habits, and concerns. And outdated privacy laws, writ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Prison Realignment: Fix the Funding Formula

Apr 09, 2012
After decades of tough-on-crime policies and draconian sentencing practices, California's correctional system - a state with one of the highest incarceration rates in a country with one of the highest incarceration rates - finally buckled under its own weight. Faced with last year's historic Supreme Court order requiring a reduction in prison overcrowding, the state enacted AB 109 to realign the c... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Maryland Legislature to Employers: Hands Off Facebook Passwords

Apr 09, 2012
By Allie BohmACLU National OfficeThe state of Maryland just passed the first bill in the nation that bans employers from asking for the social media passwords of job applicants and employees. In a statement that the ACLU of Maryland issued about the bill's passage, Melissa Goemann, Legislative Director of ACLU of Maryland, said, "We are proud of Maryland for standing up for the online privacy of e... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Court Says No GPS Tracking? How About Cell Phone Tracking?

Apr 06, 2012
By Sarah RobertsACLU National OfficeIn January, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in U.S. v. Jones, ruling unanimously that when the D.C. police and the FBI attached a GPS device to Antoine Jones's car and tracked him for 28 days, they violated the Fourth Amendment. But now the government — instead of fixing the way it conducts this kind of invasive surveillance — has simply set its sig... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU-NC and ALC Help Teach Free Speech Civics Lesson to Local H.S. Principal

Apr 05, 2012
With the help of the ACLU of Northern California and the Asian Law Caucus, three high school seniors in San Francisco recently gave their principal a basic civics lesson: students have free speech rights, online and off.In March, after students at a San Francisco high school posted parodies and irreverent memes from their home computers about teachers and school administrators on a Tumblr blog ("T... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

A Primer for the Online Privacy Multistakeholder Process

Apr 03, 2012
By Chris CalabreseACLU Washington Legislative OfficeWhat the heck is a multistakeholder process (MSP)? The word multistakeholder is so obscure that my computer's spell check doesn't even recognize it, yet it's come to dominate the online privacy conversation in recent weeks. That discussion will begin in earnest today with a filing deadline for comments to the National Telecommunications and Infor... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Results From Our Nationwide Cell Phone Tracking Records Requests

Apr 02, 2012
By Allie BohmACLU National Office Ten. That's the number of law enforcement agencies that responded to our coordinated public records requests on cell phone location tracking and reported that they, in fact, do not track cell phones. The number of agencies queried: 383. The number that responded (so far): some 200.We've just released the documents those law enforcement agencies turned ov... Read More