dissent is patriotic signs


Our lawyers and advocates are among the nation's leading experts on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms. Read the latest on the ACLU of Northern California’s work. To schedule a press interview, call (415) 621-2493 or contact press@aclunc.org.

Latino family with American flag.

ACLU of California Celebrates President's Announcement of Expanded Relief from Deportation for Four Million

Nov 20, 2014
The ACLU of California celebrates the President's move to keep millions of families together by protecting an estimated 1.6 million undocumented Californians from deportation. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of a fight in addressing our broken immigration system. The ACLU remains committed to expanding relief to all immigrants and preventing further militarization of border. Read More
free speech zone

Appeals Court Rules In Favor of Anonymous Speech in California Prop. 35 Case

Nov 18, 2014
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that Proposition 35, a 2012 California ballot initiative that would have restricted the rights of registered sex offenders to communicate on the Internet, is likely unconstitutional. The opinion affirms an earlier district court ruling in Doe v. Harris, a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and the Electronic Fro... Read More
Making Smart Decisions About Surveillance: A Guide for Communities

ACLU Launches Statewide Campaign to Curb Secret Surveillance in California

Nov 12, 2014
Counties and cities across California have spent more than $60 million on invasive surveillance technology, the vast majority of which are being used by law enforcement agencies without any sort of public debate, consideration of costs and benefits, or adequate policies to safeguard against misuse, according to data compiled by the American Civil Liberties Union of California. Read More
Cop pulling someone over

Drive California Coalition Welcomes Updated DMV Regulations

Nov 07, 2014
Today, California's Department of Motor Vehicles issued emergency regulations that will determine how driver’s licenses are granted to undocumented immigrants under California's AB 60 (Alejo). The DMV’s emergency regulations are effective for 180 days. Responding to community suggestions raised at hearings in Oakland and Los Angeles, the new regulations expand the types of documents which immigran... Read More
A child sits alone

ACLU of California Commends Gov. Brown for Securing Legal Assistance for Migrant Children

Sep 29, 2014
On Sunday, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 873, a bill which will set aside $3 million to provide legal aid to refugee children fleeing endemic violence in their home countries. In response, the ACLU of California issued the following statement: "While the ACLU of California applauds California lawmakers and Gov. Jerry Brown for taking important steps to ensure that some children aren't fo... Read More
prison bars sentencing disparity victory

Governor Signs Historic California Fair Sentencing Act

Sep 28, 2014
Today Gov. Jerry Brown signed the California Fair Sentencing Act (SB 1010) authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles). The legislation eliminates the groundless disparity in sentencing, probation, and asset forfeiture guidelines for possession of crack cocaine for sale versus the same crime involving powder cocaine that has resulted in a pattern of racial discrimination in sentencing and inca... Read More
Two young men in caps and gowns raise their fists at a graduation celebration for undocumented immigrants

Advocates Applaud Signing of Professional Licensing Bill for Immigrants

Sep 28, 2014
Today a broad coalition of organizations commends Governor Brown for signing Senate Bill 1159, a bill that improves access to economic opportunities to immigrants in California. The bill, by Senator Ricardo Lara (D), allows qualified individuals to obtain professional licenses, regardless of immigration status. Thus California continues to lead the way in fully incorporating immigrants as contribu... Read More

California Enacts First-in-the-Nation Law to Eliminate Student Suspensions for Minor Misbehavior

Sep 27, 2014
Today California becomes the first state in the nation to eliminate suspensions for its youngest children, and all expulsions for all students for minor misbehavior such as talking back, failing to have school materials and dress code violations. Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing today of AB 420 caps a landmark year for the movement away from harsh discipline policies and toward positive discipline and a... Read More
AB 60 supporters at a rally

Drive California Coalition Responds to Final License Design

Sep 19, 2014
Today, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that the design for drivers' licenses for undocumented residents under California's AB 60 has been finalized. The front of the license will state "Federal limits may apply" on the top-right corner; the additional sentence on the back will remain as previously proposed. In response to this development, the Drive California coalition issue... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Summer 2014 ACLU News

Aug 20, 2014
Download the Summer 2014 ACLU of Northern California Newsletter and read about our latest events and initiatives. Read More
Judge hitting gavel

California Fair Sentencing Act Passes Out of Assembly

Aug 14, 2014
Facing its final vote in the Assembly, the California Fair Sentencing Act (SB 1010) authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) won strong approval on a bi-partisan vote today. SB 1010 now returns to the Senate for a final procedural vote before being sent to the Governor. Read More