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ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Foundation of Southern California v. Anaheim Police Department and ACLU Foundation of Northern California v. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department

Sep 11, 2015
In May and July of last year, the ACLU Foundations of California submitted requests under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and the Anaheim Police Department, seeking documents related to the use of StingRays – highly invasive surveillance devices that allow law enforcement to track a suspect’s cell phone and, in the process, obtain a wide var... Read More
Person using cellphone

Victory for Privacy Rights in California

Sep 11, 2015
It was a really good week in California for privacy rights. The legislature passed the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA SB 178) with strong bipartisan support. The bill is now on Gov. Brown’s desk, and he needs to hear from all of us that it’s time to update privacy law for the modern digital world and sign CalECPA into law. Read More
Ngan Ly

Help Me Fight for Accurate Sex Education

Sep 15, 2015
Hi, my name is Ngan. I’m a tenth grader at Oakland Technical High School, and I’m a sex education activist.Tomorrow morning, I’ll be joining forces with other high schoolers from across California and meeting with Governor Jerry Brown’s staff in Sacramento to talk about sex ed.We’re coming to Sacramento armed with a petition signed by 5,000 people who all believe that California youth deserve accu... Read More
Officer wearing body camera

ACLU Files PRA Lawsuit Against Hayward PD Over Body Camera Footage

Sep 15, 2015
In the midst of a national conversation about police transparency and accountability, the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and the Law Offices of Amitai Schwartz filed a lawsuit today against the City of Hayward and its Police Department (Hayward PD) for charging the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) unlawful and excessive costs as the price of disclosing body worn camera footage r... Read More
StingRay surveillance device

Sacramento Sheriff’s New StingRay Surveillance Policy is Flawed

Sep 16, 2015
In response to a lawsuit brought by the ACLU, the Sacramento Sheriff has now admitted that it used intrusive cellphone surveillance technology – commonly known as a “StingRay” – without obtaining court approval. Days after this stunning admission, the Sheriff publicly announced a new policy for the use of StingRay technology. While having an actual policy in place is certainly a step in the right ... Read More
Reginae Hightower, student

Introducing... Know Your Student Rights

Sep 18, 2015
Here in California, students have a fundamental right to equal education opportunity. And yet, one in five students doesn't graduate high school in four years. So we’ve launched, a multi-media campaign intended to educate students on their rights and empower them to have a say in their education. Read More
Sacramento Capitol building

Legislation: Advancing the Rights of All Californians

Sep 22, 2015
Every year, the ACLU of California sponsors several bills in the California Legislature. What does it mean to “sponsor” a bill? In most cases, it means we have been involved in drafting the bill, providing input on the text. But we never work alone. Most of our bills are co-sponsored with other advocacy groups. The bill language is thus the result of a collaboration between the co-sponsors and the... Read More