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CalECPA petition delivery

In Landmark Victory for Digital Privacy, Gov. Brown Signs California Electronic Communications Privacy Act into Law

Oct 08, 2015
Today, in a landmark victory for Californians’ digital privacy rights, Governor Jerry Brown signed the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA, SB 178) into law. The bill, jointly authored by Senators Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) and Joel Anderson (R-Alpine), updates the state's privacy laws for the digital age by protecting Californians against warrantless surveillance of their d... Read More
SB 249

Gov. Brown Vetoes Risky "Enhanced” Drivers License Bill

Oct 09, 2015
SACRAMENTO--Today Gov. Brown vetoed SB 249 (Hueso), a measure to create “Enhanced” Drivers Licenses (EDLs) to be used as an additional border-crossing identification document available only to U.S. citizens. EDLs employ outdated technology that would put Californians' private information at risk and open the door to high-tech racial profiling and employment discrimination.  “It... Read More
ACLU of California Center for Advocacy and Policy Staff photo by Stacy Antonopoulos

ACLU of California Center for Advocacy & Policy: A Lobbying Machine

Oct 13, 2015
Last fall, the three ACLU affiliates in California launched our newly expanded Sacramento office: the ACLU of California Center for Advocacy & Policy. One year ago, we had a staff of four. Today, we have nine full-time and two part time advocates. This tremendous increase in capacity translated into significant victories in the Legislature this year. Read More
image of a keyboard with the word privacy

California Leads on Electronic Privacy. Other States Must Follow.

Oct 13, 2015
Last Thursday, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which requires a warrant before California law enforcement can seize the contents or metadata of your communications, demand location records from your cell phone provider, or use a StingRay to gather information about your smartphone. Read More