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ACLU of Northern CA

New TransLink Cards: Keep Down Your Convenience Costs

Jan 08, 2008
The Bay Area's transit systems are about to join other cities and get a single payment card. The TransLink card will let you pay for rides on BART, San Francisco Muni buses, and the Peninsula's Caltrain.The new cards may help you avoid fumbling for cash or sorting through multiple fare cards. But, unless you want to also pay for that trip with your privacy, you should buy the TransLink card with c... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Congressional Leaders Express Dissatisfaction With Real ID

Jan 11, 2008
Congressional leaders from throughout the nation released statements expressing their dissatisfaction with the Real ID regulations released today by the Department of Homeland Security.Rep. Tom Allen (D-ME)"We need to repeal REAL ID and replace it with a system that will work and does not pass the cost along to taxpayers."Read statement here.Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester (Ds – MT)"Enough is Enou... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Final Real ID Regulations: DHS Kicks the Problems Down the Road

Jan 11, 2008
The Department of Homeland Security today issued its final regulations for the implementation of the Real ID Act, the plan to create a national identity card system, which Congress passed in May 2005 with little debate as an attachment to the tsunami and Iraq War appropriations bill.In its new REAL ID regulations, DHS does not resolve any of the threats the law poses to California's privacy, freed... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Uncle Sam and Ma Bell Further Joining Forces?

Jan 16, 2008
At the Consumer Electronics Show last week, top executives from media giants AT&T, NBC/Universal and Microsoft announced that ISPs may be ready to start filtering for copyrighted content at the network level.But, checking for copyright violations at the network level may end up meaning a lot more high-level snooping at many other types of content as well. To try to catch that potential copyrig... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Statement on DHS Plans for Border Initiative

Jan 18, 2008
The ACLU released the following statement as a response to today's Washington Post article about Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff defying Congressional extensions and attempting to implement WHTI now.Washington – Plans by the Department of Homeland Security to impose new identity-document requirements at the Canadian border in defiance of Congress are the latest example of the departme... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU in Court in Lawsuit Against Boeing Subsidiary That Aided CIA “Torture Flights”

Feb 05, 2008
SAN JOSE, CA - The American Civil Liberties Union argued in federal court on Feb. 5, 2008 for the continuation of its case against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc. for the company's role in the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program. The ACLU opposed the government's attempt to throw out the case by misusing the "state secrets" privilege in an effort to avoid legal scrutiny of the unlawf... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Scorecard on Final REAL ID Regulations

Feb 05, 2008
The ACLU has released a systematic analysis of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) final regulations for the Real ID Act. It reveals that the regulations still address only 9 percent of the problems with the act that have been identified.The final regulations do not lift the burdens that Real ID imposes on the states and the population, a close look at the regulations reveals that the Real... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Want to Talk to TSA? They're Listening

Feb 05, 2008
The Transportation Security Agency has come under significant and ongoing criticism. One major source of concern and irritation are the No-Fly lists, which contain tens of thousands of names and has generated a lot of negative press when U.S. senators, famous musicians and others have been kept off of flights. There are even those who say that TSA is largely engaged in "security theater," meant pr... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

RFID Anti-Skimming Bill Overwhelmingly Passes California State Senate

Feb 05, 2008
SB 31 overwhelmingly passed the California State Senate last week with a vote of 36-3. To read the bill language of SB 31, visit here.SB 31 makes it illegal for a person to intentionally read or attempt to read an RFID tag in an individual's identification document without their knowledge and prior consent.Right now, private information on California drivers' licenses is stored on a magnetic strip... Read More