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ACLU of Northern CA

Government Appeals Patriot Act Ruling in the Ninth Circuit

Mar 03, 2008
In September 2007, a U.S. District Court judge in Oregon struck down two provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act as unconstitutional. Brandon Mayfield, a Portland-based attorney, was arrested and detained in connection with the 2004 bombing of a train station in Madrid, but was released after two weeks when a fingerprint at the scene alleged to be his was matched to an Algerian terrorist. The court foun... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Bank Julius Baer & Co. LTD. v. Wikileaks

Mar 05, 2008
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) successfully defended the First Amendment when they persuaded a federal district court judge in San Francisco to dissolve an order requiring a domain registrar to shut down the domain name in a dispute over documents allegedly posted on the site by a former employee of Swiss Bank Julius Baer. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Library Censorship - Same Old Issue, New Medium

Mar 07, 2008
San Jose and Sacramento are currently debating whether to censor access to internet information at their libraries. The internet has become a pivotal means of accessing information at the library and with its growth in importance, the age-old issues of library censorship have followed.To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, and Heather Has Two Mommies are just a small selection of material that s... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Foundations of California v. AT&T and Verizon

Mar 16, 2008
The ACLU Foundations of California has sued telecommunications giants AT&T and Verizon to stop them from continuing to provide the National Security Agency (NSA) with the personal phone records of millions of California customers.Since September 11, 2001, the telephone companies have been providing the NSA with customers' records, including phone numbers for incoming and outgoing calls, and ti... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU, Lawyers’ Committee and S.F. City Attorney Agree To Removal Process from Gang Injunction Lists

Mar 24, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO – A new process that allows people who have been placed on a gang injunction enforcement list to petition to have themselves removed by showing that they are no longer active gang members is a positive step, say ACLU of Northern California and LCCR attorneys, who today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the San Francisco City Attorney.    The agreement... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v.

Apr 03, 2008
Two Southern California fair housing organizations sued, an Internet-based roommate matching service, arguing that the website must be held responsible for postings on the site that violate federal fair housing laws. argued that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects websites from liability for content posted by third parties, gives it complete immu... Read More

Free Speech and Olympic Torch: Seeking Answers from the City

Apr 10, 2008
The ACLU Foundation of Northern California has serious concerns about the city's decision to change the route of the Olympic torch relay in an apparent attempt to avoid protestors. On April 10, the day after relay, we filed a request under the Sunshine Ordinance for records on the city's relay route planning and crowd control policies.Leading up to the torch relay, we worked to guarantee that... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Speak Up for the Future of the Internet

Apr 10, 2008
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is holding a hearing on internet freedom and net neutrality in Palo Alto next Thursday, April 17. With the future of the internet at stake, it is absolutely critical that those who support freedom of expression show up in force.Your comments in person will send a strong message to Washington that Americans will not tolerate private corporate Internet gat... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

International Agreement on Net Neutrality

Apr 15, 2008
Last week, a coalition of consumer and public-interest groups in the U.S. and Europe presented a resolution to U.S. government representatives that called for policies to promote net neutrality on the Internet.The Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue [TACD] has some 65 members, including the ACLU, Public Knowledge, the European Public Health Alliance and the European Consumers Organization.In order to... Read More