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ACLU of Northern CA

SF Budget Committee Cuts Funding for Surveillance

Jun 30, 2008
In a victory for civil liberties and responsible government spending, the Budget Committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted Thursday to cut $300,000 from its invasive, intrusive, and ineffective video surveillance camera program.The Budget Committee's decision is an important first step, but will not be finalized until the full Board approves the budget next month. Please contact yo... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU and EFF Sue Justice Department to Uncover Records of Cell Phone Tracking

Jul 02, 2008
The American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a lawsuit today urging a federal court to order the Department of Justice to turn over records related to the government's use of people's cell phones as tracking devices.The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the records in November 2007 following revelations that federal officials are using Americans... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Federal Judge Blasts Erroneous Telco Immunity Arguments

Jul 07, 2008
Chief Judge Vaughn Walker of the Northern District of California issued a ruling blasting key arguments made by supporters of telecom immunity last week.The lengthy opinion cuts through many common misconceptions and makes clear that the Senate is set to vote on telecom immunity based on misinformed arguments.The FISA bill is scheduled for a vote tomorrow, Tuesday, July 8. Contact your Senators to... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Privacy Appears on Over Holiday Weekend

Jul 08, 2008
According to Google, the "time was right" for the company to post a link to a privacy policy on its homepage.It certainly was.The California Online Privacy Protection Act states that a company is in violation of the Act if they fail to post its policy within 30 days of being notified of noncompliance.Google released its modified homepage including the privacy link 30 days after receiving a letter ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

President Bush, in the Rose Garden, with the Constitution and Some White-Out, at 1:15

Jul 10, 2008
President Bush signed into law the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, at 1:15 p.m. this afternoon in the Rose Garden.Immediately after he signed, the ACLU sued.Our clients are reporters, organizations like Amnesty International, Global Fund for Women, and Human Rights Watch, and defense attorneys, whose activities will be greatly curtailed by this new law.Our argument is simple: This bill is a clear vio... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

RFID Company Trying to Silence Vulnerabilities

Jul 14, 2008
Dutch Chipmaker NXP, formerly Philips Semiconductors, is taking Dutch Radboud University to court to try to prevent researchers from publishing their scientific paper showing how the RFID chips used in Dutch travel cards can be copied and cloned.The Bay Area recently released its own RFID-enabled transit card system,Translink. It is important to ensure that security research about these systems is... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

FasTrak Hacked - Driving Home Privacy and Security Risks of RFID

Jul 15, 2008
Dutch and British transit cards, California Senate ID cards, HID building access cards, some new generation credit cards, and now FasTrak.What do they have in common?They all use RFID technology and security researchers have shown that they all have glaring privacy and security risks.Researcher Nate Lawson has discovered that FasTrak transponders are vulnerable to sniffing, cloning, and surreptiti... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Wins Again - Federal Court Again Says COPA Unconstitutional

Jul 24, 2008
In a clear victory for free speech, a federal court once again held that the ACLU is right and the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), a law that would criminalize constitutionally protected speech on the Internet, is unconstitutional. This decision is the latest in the ACLU's 10-year battle to defend free speech on the Internet. The American Civil Liberties Union challen... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children; Immigrant Legal Resource Center; and Asian Law Caucus v. California Department of Corrections

Jul 29, 2008
The California corrections department is using underground, non-public guidelines, rather than lawful regulations, to decide whether to transfer California prisoners to other states as far away as Mississippi and Tennessee. This means that inmates and their families do not know how the prisons decide whom to transfer. It also leaves open the possibility that prison officials are using arbitrary an... Read More