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ACLU of Northern CA

FCC Ruling Against Comcast a Step Toward Net Freedom

Aug 08, 2008
The Federal Communications Commission chastised Comcast for throttling peer-to-peer applications today, calling the practice unreasonable and ordering Comcast to change its network management policies.Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, responded, "We applaud the FCC for taking enforcement action against Comcast. The nation's second largest Internet service pr... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Traveling this summer? Kiss your privacy goodbye.

Aug 08, 2008
Planning a vacation? Thinking about traveling outside the country?If you travel outside the United States, you can kiss your right to privacy, and perhaps your laptop, digital camera and cell phone, goodbye. With no suspicion and no explanation, the U.S. government can seize your laptop, cell phone, or PDA as you enter the United States and download all your private information &mdash... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Setting New Policies to Stem Racial Profiling in Fairfield Schools

Aug 21, 2008
"We didn't do anything wrong," said Victor Lopez, one of the Latino students at Rodriquez High School (RHS) who in March 2007 were lined up in front of their peers, accused of being gang members, and photographed by Fairfield police. "I was just talking to my friends. The police shouldn't assume we're gang members just because we're Latino and wearing certain colors. Lots of kids were wearing the ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Online Service Providers and Content Owners: Do Your Part to Protect Political Speech

Aug 25, 2008
On blogs, personal and political websites, and through user-generated content sites, ordinary citizens in extraordinary numbers are recreating a public sphere and reinvigorating the democratic debate at the core of our political system. 46% of Americans have already used the Internet in connection with the political campaign- more than during all of 2004. User-generated content is playing a partic... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

ACLU Sues ICE and Sonoma County Sheriff for Unlawful Detentions and Racial Profiling

Sep 05, 2008
San Francisco – For the past three years, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department has collaborated with the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and its officers to stop and search people who appear to be Latino, interrogate them about their immigration status based on their perceived race, and detain them in the County jail without lawful authority. The Sheriff’s Department and... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Important Ninth Circuit Ruling for California Privacy Rights

Sep 05, 2008
In an important victory for privacy rights, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday reinstated a portion of California's landmark financial privacy law that allows consumers to prevent banks from sharing information with affiliated companies about a customer's savings account or buying habits.The California Financial Information Privacy Act, which the ACLU worked to pass for many years, has b... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

A Mother's Fight to Keep Her Son Safe in School

Sep 05, 2008
"My greatest hope for Robby is that he will just grow up accepting and loving himself," said his mother, Tracy Martinazzi, who took on a school district -- and a way of thinking -- that allowed her son to be the victim of name-calling, taunts, and, finally, brutal physical abuse based on his sexual orientation."And I really want my son to grow up without a victim mentality. I want him to be able t... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Ending Anti-Gay Harassment on Campus

Sep 05, 2008
"I can't remember a day at school when I wasn't called a faggot or gay," said Robby Martinazzi. Throughout elementary and middle school, Robby had been the target of taunts, physical abuse, and name-calling based on his sexual orientation. After years of asking officials at his Lake County school district to intervene, Robby's parents called the ACLU of Northern California.The result was a compreh... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Overturning School Expulsions

Sep 05, 2008
The rights of two African-American students were violated when they were expelled from Deer Valley High School following an off-campus incident in which police officers pepper-sprayed the students and forcefully arrested them, a judge ruled in May 2008. The judge overturned the expulsions. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Safeguarding Equal Educational Opportunity in Modesto

Sep 05, 2008
In 2001, an African-American student at Grace Davis High School in Modesto was involved in a fight with another student over race–the other student called him a "nigger." While the black student was suspended for more than a month and then transferred to another school, the white student was suspended only briefly.The African-American student's family filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of ... Read More