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ACLU of Northern CA

All Eyes on Alameda County

Jan 03, 2013
In response to an ACLU of Northern California Public Records Act request, the California Emergency Management Agency, the state entity that administers federal homeland security grant funds, recently confirmed that the Alameda County Sheriff's Office is the only agency in the entire state of California to have applied for or obtained grant funding from Cal-EMA for a drone.While this doesn't mean t... Read More
Pepper spray cop

Baker v. Katehi (UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop)

Jan 09, 2013
21 students and alumni filed a federal lawsuit on Feb. 22, 2012 against UC Davis over the University's treatment of protesters during a Nov. 18, 2011 demonstration in which campus police were caught on video dousing seated protesters with pepper spray. Read More
default statue of liberty torch

Court Grants Preliminary Injunction in ACLU Suit Challenging Prop 35's Free Speech Restrictions

Jan 11, 2013
Today a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Northern California (ACLU-NC) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that challenges unconstitutional provisions in Proposition 35. "The court recognized that Prop 35's online speech regulations are overly broad and violate the First Amendment," said Linda Lye, staff attorney at the ACLU-NC. "Stopping... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

New Facebook Search Means It's Time to Review Your Privacy Settings (Again)

Jan 15, 2013
This morning's media event was Facebook's announcement of "Graph Search," a new tool to find content and data on Facebook that could wind up making information about you far easier your friends or just about anyone else to find. Graph Search allows you to search Facebook for specific people, places, or content – for example, "friend of friends who live in New York and like sushi" or "restaurants l... Read More
computer keyboard access
Right to Know Act (AB 1291)

Right to Know Act (AB 1291)

The California Right to Know Act (AB 1291- Lowenthal) will modernize current privacy law and give Californians an effective tool to monitor how personal information, including about health, finances, your location, politics, religious, sexual orientation, buying habits, and more, is being collected and disclosed in unexpected and potentially harmful ways. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

DNA Privacy Goes to the Supreme Court

Feb 01, 2013
The ACLU filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court this afternoon to stop the government from invading the genetic privacy of hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. The case, Maryland v. King, involves the question of whether the police can take DNA from everybody they arrest, without a search warrant or any reason to think that the DNA sample will be helpful in solving a crime. We argue tha... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

Are Government Agencies Keeping Your Data Safe?

Feb 05, 2013
No one wants something as valuable as their credit card numbers to fall into the wrong hands. That's why we limit private uses of this type of personal data. But what about government agencies that hold some of your most vulnerable, confidential information? We need to ensure that safeguards against unauthorized access to your data are in place, especially given the increasing amounts of personal ... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

The Problem of Prolonged Incarceration of Immigrants

Feb 06, 2013
Bertha Mejia is a 53-year-old grandmother who fled political violence and sexual abuse in her native El Salvador as a girl. She has four U.S. citizen children and is the primary caretaker for her 9-year-old grandson, Pablo. The victim of rape at the hands of her employer, Ms. Mejia has a strong case for a "U-visa," a type of visa for victims of crime who cooperate with law enforcement. The police ... Read More
default statue of liberty torch

ACLU Guide: Tips for Companies on Protecting User Privacy and Free Speech in 2013

Feb 06, 2013
Last year was jam-packed with stories of companies making costly mistakes on user privacy and free speech. To help companies get a fresh start in 2013, the ACLU of California has just released the new edition of Privacy and Free Speech: It's Good for Business. This primer (and companion website) is a practical, how-to guide illustrating how businesses can build privacy and free speech protectio... Read More