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ACLU of Northern CA

In Response to Lawsuit, Santa Clara Superior Court Takes Step to Change Policy Discriminating Against Poor Defendants

Nov 13, 2023
The new policy allows a defendant with an active arrest warrant to schedule an initial court appearance through their attorney regardless of their financial means. Someone who can’t afford bail must still appear at the jail for an informal booking. However they won’t be taken into custody. Once in court, a judge makes an individualized determination about whether that person should remain out of c... Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

San Francisco Attempts to “Judge Shop” In High-Profile Homelessness Case

Oct 10, 2023
The ACLU of Northern California and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area filed a brief opposing the city of San Francisco's request to reassign the Coalition on Homelessness case to a judge who handled a case regarding the city's response to street homelessness that was dismissed and closed three years ago. Read More
ACLU of Northern CA

San Francisco Continues to Defy Injunction, Fails to Train Workers Charged with Clearing Homeless Encampments

Oct 06, 2023
In August, the court asked San Francisco to identify how it has trained staff to ensure the city is following a preliminary injunction preventing it from illegally destroying unhoused residents’ property. The city's only training tool is a brief presentation that does not meaningfully explain the procedures public works employees must follow when handling people's belongings. Read More