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San Quentin

California’s Lethal Injection Plan Amounts to Human Experimentation

Jan 20, 2016
Legal and scientific experts are warning that California’s proposed lethal injection protocols were created without the transparency and public participation required by law and that these untested execution procedures will amount to human experimentation, with a grave risk that something will go terribly wrong. Read More
Gov. Jerry Brown

Making the Great State of California Even Greater

Jan 22, 2016
In his 2016 State of the State speech, Gov. Jerry Brown failed to mention a critical dimension to economic inequality in California: racial inequality. People of color are uniquely impacted by government policies that fall most heavily on the poor, like the Maximum Family Grant rule, unchecked police abuses and over-reliance on incarceration as a response to chronically homeless people with menta... Read More
Mosque in Fresno, CA by David Prasad

ACLU Foundation of Northern California, Asian Law Caucus, SF Bay Guardian v. FBI (Surveillance of Muslim Communities)

Feb 08, 2016
Lawsuit Seeks Information on FBI Activities in Northern CA Muslim Communities; Demand to comply with FOIA request stems from reports of community anxiety and fear over surveillance tactics. Following reports of anxiety and fear over FBI surveillance tactics in Muslim communities, the ACLU Foundation of Northern California joined with the Asian Law Caucus and the San Francisco Bay Guardian in 20... Read More