Emily Cagape (she/her)
Emily Cagape is an administrative specialist in the Organizing Department of the ACLU of Northern California. In this capacity, she directly supports the Organizing Director, Organizing Program Manager, Grassroots Advocacy Manager, and the Regional Organizing & Program Manager.
Prior to joining the ACLU, Emily worked as the Digital Coordinator and Campaign Coordinator at Evolve California, a non-profit community organization based in San Francisco. During her time at Evolve, she worked primarily on the Schools and Communities First / Prop. 15 campaign, a ballot measure aiming to increase state-wide funding for public education and local community services by closing corporate tax loopholes. On top of maintaining Evolve's administrative systems, Emily managed all their social media platforms, led volunteer community events, and directed the college internship program. At Evolve, Emily also volunteered to canvass and phonebank for several San Francisco Board of Supervisor campaigns.
As a first-generation college student, Emily graduated with honors from the University of San Francisco where she studied Sociology and minored in Legal Studies and Public Service & Community Engagement. For her senior capstone, Emily joined Generation Citizen as a Democracy Coach educator where she taught lessons on civic organizing to an 8th grade class with a focus on increasing access to consent education in San Francisco middle schools. In college, Emily also interned with the union UNITE HERE Local 2 where she researched and participated in boycott strategies to increase safety and workers' rights at Marriott hotels. Outside of her studies, Emily ran the student organization Pan Asian American Student Alliance as club president.
In her free time, Emily volunteers with AAPIs for Civic Empowerment to stay involved with issues and campaigns affecting the AAPI community. Emily enjoys planning elaborate picnics, reading poetry, and collecting more and more houseplants to add to her ever-growing indoor jungle.